The Hafız Ahmed Agha & Ahmed Fethi Pasha Foundations
Born in 1740s, Hafız Ahmed of Rhodes entered Topkapi Palace bureaucracy following his graduation from the elite Enderûn school during the reign of Mustafa III (1757 - 1774), was appointed as Rikâbdar-ı Şehriyârî by Abdülhamid I (1774 – 1789) and continued in this post into Selim III’s period (1789 – 1807). Shortly after retirement he established the Enderûn-ı Hümâyûn Rikâbdarı Rodosî Ahmed Ağa Bin Hasan Paşa Vakfı on February 26, 1792 and in 1793 the inauguration of his manuscripts Library in Rhodes followed.
Hafız Ahmed Agha’s son, Ahmed Fethi was born in Istanbul in 1801 and attended like his father the Enderûn school to enter the Palace bureaucracy following his graduation during the reign of Mahmut II (1808 – 1839). It was during the period of Abdülmecid I (1839 – 1861) that Ahmed Fethi Paşa established his own Foundation named Tophane-i Âmire Müşiri Ahmed Fethi Paşa bin Ahmed Ağa Vakfı on 5 December 1851 and built the Muvakkithane (timekeeper’s office) and the Clock Tower as well as the adjacent Rüştiye (junior high school) in the Old Town of Rhodes opposite the Hafız Ahmed Agha Library and the Süleymaniye Mosque.

Hafız Ahmed Agha Library, Rhodes

Ahmed Fethi Pasha Mosque, Karacaahmet, Üsküdar
For the biographies of our founders:
The mosque, located in Istanbul’s Üsküdar district next to Karacaahmet cemetery was built by Hafız Ahmed in 1795 in wood construction. It was restored and rebuilt in stone by Ahmed Fethi Paşa in 1855. A public fountain donated by Ahmed Fethi Paşa in the same period and location does not exist anymore.
The Foundation is the only remaining private Vakıf rooted in the Ottoman period with assets and a library outside the borders of Türkiye and it has been governed uninterruptedly by the descendants of the founders since 1792.