Ahmed Fethi Pasha completed the Rhodes Clock Tower and Timekeeper’s house near his father’s manuscript library in 1850-1852 period. It is believed that the Clock Tower was built on the foundations of a Byzantine defense tower. Although there is no definite information about the architect of the tower, it bears very similar architectural features to the Tophane-i Amire Clock Tower, the first clock tower of Istanbul built by Abdülmecit I in 1847-1848 during Fethi Pasha's tenure as the Marshal of Tophane-i Amire. At the very least, we can assume that the Rhodes Clock Tower's eclectic Baroque design of the period was the work of the members of the Balyan Family, the famous 18th and 19th century Hassa architects, probably Garabet Amira (1800 - 1866) and his son Nigoğayos Balyan (1826 - 1858), who were also the architects of the Tophane-i Amire Clock Tower. The clock of the tower in Rhodes was purchased from Edward Prior (1780 - 1859) and his firm Edward Prior, Chambers & Co., members of the Prior family of London, a well-known manufacturer and merchant of the period and a clock supplier to the Ottoman Empire. During the tower renovation in the last years, the 170-year-old mechanism which simultaneously operated the clocks on the four facades of the tower, was removed from its place and now exhibited on the terrace on the tower floor, and an electromechanical renovation of the tower clock is planned.
The Junior High School adjacent to the Clock Tower, a Rüştiye Mektebi, was commissioned and inaugurated by Ahmed Fethi Pasha in 1853.

Clock Tower and Jr. High School, Rhodes

Clock Tower, Rhodes

Tophane-i Amire Clock Tower, Istanbul